Encyclopedia SpongeBobia
Encyclopedia SpongeBobia




SpongeBob finds a magazine called Fancy Living Digest in his mail, which depicts the lifestyles of the extremely wealthy. Squidward shows up and takes the magazine, which was actually for him, and SpongeBob and Patrick ask him how people can get so rich. SpongeBob then decides to sell chocolate bars to raise money in hopes of achieving the fancy lifestyle.

However, no one initially wants to buy any chocolate bars. The first person they visit goes berserk upon hearing the word "chocolate", and begins chasing them while madly screaming "CHOCOLATE!!!!" He stalks them throughout the episode, appearing and causing them to run away from him at several points.

Along the way, SpongeBob and Patrick are also convinced to purchase candy bar carrying bags by a con artist who is only known as The Con Man. He later scams them again, selling them "candy bar bag carrying bags". The next person was Sadie, but SpongeBob couldn't find her candy bar making her impatient, slamming the door. SpongeBob then runs when Tom appears. They are next seen in a diner where they think about a new approach. Patrick says "Let's get naked," but SpongeBob decides to be nice. Patrick says "I love you" to the first guy they try this on, but he slams the door in disgust. Eventually, after seeing an advertisement for "Barnacle Chips", SpongeBob and Patrick decide

to increase the appeal of their product by "stretching" the truth and again leave when Tom shows up. The first customers they use this tactic on are an old lady and her very old mother. They claim that the chocolate will make one immortal by rubbing it on their skin, which the extremely old mother is delighted by.

The duo continue this strategy, making several absurd promises about the chocolate. Their lies culminate in them dressing in bandages and pretending to be badly injured and in need of an operation. However, the customer they go to is himself in far worse shape than they claim to be, and must sell chocolate to pay his medical bills. Feeling extreme sympathy for the man, SpongeBob and Patrick buy a huge amount of chocolate from him with all the money they had just made. However, the man is then revealed to be the same con artist who had scammed them twice before.

SpongeBob and Patrick are soon attacked by the initial first customer, who catches them off guard and makes them fall down and drop their chocolate. He says that he has been trying to catch them all day, and seems intent on killing them before saying that he would simply like to buy all their chocolate, which leaves SpongeBob and Patrick speechless. SpongeBob and Patrick make a fortune from him, which they use to rent out a fancy restaurant on a double date with Mary and her mother.



 ) Production music
 ) Original music
 ) SpongeBob music

  Dancing the Hula - Kapono Beamer [title card]
  Vibe Sting - Nicolas Carr [Fancy Living Digest]
  Dream of Tomorrow - Trevor Duncan [SpongeBob and Patrick reading the magazine]
  Comic Walk - Sidney Torch [Squidward takes the magazine from them]
  ? ["That's it, Patrick!"]
  Marching to Honolulu - Kapono Beamer [SpongeBob and Patrick with chocolate bars]
  King Kong Coming - Gregor F. Narholz [fish chases them]
  Marching to Honolulu - Kapono Beamer ["That first guy didn't count."]
  Heavenly Voices (b) - David Farnon [candy bar bag]
  Hawaiian Link (a) - Richard Myhill ["So long, boys!"]
  Flop and Go (a) - John Fox ["Fancy living, here we come, la-la-la-la-la..."]
  Tympup A - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [candy bar bag carrying bags]
  On the Beach - Kapono Beamer [unzipping bags]
  King Kong Coming - Gregor F. Narholz [fish chases them again]
  Marching to Honolulu - Kapono Beamer [at the diner]
  ? ["That's it, he made us feel special!"]
  Glissando (a) - Skaila Kanga, Richard Myhill ["I love you."]
  ? - Jeremy Wakefield [Patrick staring at photos]
  Lonely Stranger - Laurie Johnson [Patrick focusing]
  Alien Spacecraft A - Gregor F. Narholz [Patrick focusing]
  Me for You - George Callert [Barnacle Chips billboard]
  King Kong Coming - Gregor F. Narholz ["CHOCOLATE!!!"]
  Sweet and Lovely - Alan Braden [old lady]
  ? - Sage Guyton, Jeremy Wakefield [SpongeBob, Patrick lying to everyone]
  ? - Nicolas Carr [heavily bandaged fish]
  Lonely Violin - Dick Stephen Walter ["I was born with glass bones and paper skin."]
  Lonely Heart's Club (a) - David Bell, Otto Sieben [SpongeBob and Patrick buy chocolate from him]
  ? - Jeremy Wakefield [conman revealed]
  Dramatic Impact 1 - Ivor Slaney ["CHOCOLATE!!!!"]
  King Kong Coming - Gregor F. Narholz [SpongeBob and Patrick cowering in fear]
  Dancing the Hula - Kapono Beamer [wheelbarrow of money]
  Cocktail Lounge - Dick Stephen Walter [fancy restaurant]


  • This episode is #12 on Tom Kenny's Top 20 on iTunes. His description says:

"Claims (lies) SpongeBob and Patrick made about their chocolate bars."

  • "Chocolate with Nuts" was ranked #45 during the Best Day Ever event from November 9–10, 2006.



  • List of lies that chocolate can do:
    • Make you live longer.
    • Makes your hair grow (A bald Fred says "Great! My wife's trying to grow a beard!).
    • Makes you sound smart (Hillbilly Fishkin says "I'll take 20!").
    • Keeps your face from getting any uglier (Said by Patrick to a man who looks identical to him and says "Just in time!").
    • Makes you fly.
    • Makes you fall in love.
    • Brings world peace.
    • Gives the ability to walk through walls.
    • Makes you rule the world.
    • SpongeBob and Patrick are injured and in dire need of an operation to the rip-off artist.
  • There is a picture of SpongeBob's front lawn in one customer's house.
  • SpongeBob and Patrick buy 20 candy bar bag carrying bags, yet only 2 are shown (1 for each).
  • Running Gag: Tom chasing SpongeBob and Patrick screaming chocolate, the Con Man scamming them, and SpongeBob and Patrick making lies about their chocolate.
  • Irony: SpongeBob and Patrick keep spending more money then they make (that is until Tom buys all their chocolate).
  • The picture when Patrick runs out of the diner and is frozen has become somewhat popular on YouTube, and has been dubed "Patward".
  • In Indonesian dub version of the episode, the scene where SpongeBob and Patrick in the Diner and Patrick's says, "I know, let's get naked!" was changed to "I wanna buy more bags!". Also happens when Patrick says "I love you" was changed to "Hi darling" It's proof is right here (notice the word "hai sayang"(you can translate it to English)
  • The part where Tom screams, "CHOCOLAAAAAAAAATE!" has become popular on Youtube, which has made Chocolate with Nuts one of the most popular episodes of the show.
  • Patrick buys 10 pictures of a customer at 13, when he was extremely fat, but only 5 are visible in the next scene. Also if you take a closer look at that picture, the word, "Years" is missing. Then back on, then off.
  • The top of the cover of Fancy Living Digest reads "December 02-December 14" (The same day the episode first aired).
  • The title screen for this episode looks like a chocolate bar.
  • In the subtitles on the complete season 3 DVD, SpongeBob says he has "eternal bleeding," when he says, in fact, "internal Bleeding".
  • The scene where Patrick says "I love you." has become popular on YouTube.
  • This is probably Tom's biggest (and most funniest) role yet.
  • At one point, Patrick meets another starfish who looks exactly like him. That starfish actually wore a shirt with the same design on Patrick's pants. His bottom half is cut off so it may be assumed that the starfish doesn't wear pants as Patrick doesn't wear a shirt.
  • After Tom catches SpongeBob and Patrick in the second to last scene, SpongeBob and Patrick start blabbering gibberish.
  • The extremely old mother said she was alive when they "invented" Chocolate. However was never actually invented. It was eaten by Native Americans (mostly like the Myans and Aztecs), and eventually had sugar added when Europe started trading with Native Americans. There is a chance that she was refuring to when sugar was added to Chocolate.
  • SpongeBob tells him "Good afternoon, sir!," but at the next house, he tells the man at the door, "Good morning, sir!"
  • List of things SpongeBob and Patrick bought in the episode:
    • The Chocolate from the Barg'N-Mart
    • Candy Bar Bags
    • Candy Bar Bag Carrying Bags
    • The Copies of the guy's photo
    • The Chocolate from the guy
    • The Diner at Fancy!
    • Possibly the outfits that they were wearing at Fancy!
    • Possibly a meal at the Diner.
  • Surprisingly, the title of this episode is never said in the actual episode. However, they almost said it when first meeting the chocolate fish.

External links

File:Spongebob Chocolate with nuts(Backwards)